b. 1996 in Greenville (Georgia)


Jontavious Willis


Encore jeune (à peine 20 ans), Jontavious Willis propose ce premier et prometteur album de blues acoustique. Beau chanteur et remarquable guitariste, il est entouré de l'harmoniciste Jock Webb Sr et du guitariste Tony Bryant (le fils de Cora Mae Bryant). Tout au long du programme, l'inspiration et le feeling sont bien présents : "Ancestor blues", "So so blues", "Drunk sunday", "Luxurious man", "Tip toe", "Graveyard shift blues".

Still young (barely 20 years old), Jontavious Willis offers this first and promising acoustic blues album. Nice singer and remarkable guitarist, he is surrounded by the harmonicist Jock Webb Sr and the guitarist Tony Bryant (Cora Mae Bryant's son). Throughout the program, the inspiration and the feeling are very present : "Ancestor blues", "So so blues", "Drunk sunday", "Luxurious man", "Tip toe", "Graveyard Shift Blues".


Kind of Blue


Sous la supervision de Keb Mo (producteur ici), Jontavious Willis délivre un second album dans la lignée du premier (mi-acoustique, mi-électrique). On trouve de beaux moments comme "Low down ways", "The blues is dead", "Daddy's dough", "Friend zone blues", "Long winded woman", "The world is in a tangle". Dommage que la tracklist soit si courte (30 minutes).

Under the supervision of Keb Mo (producer here), Jontavious Willis delivers a second album in line with the first (half acoustic, half electric). There are beautiful moments like "Low down ways", "The blues is dead", "Daddy's dough", "Friend zone blues", "Long winded woman", "The world is in a tangle". Too bad the tracklist is so short (30 minutes).